We have taken out the Auction & Vendor Booths from Winter Wonderland 
and have made them into their own events throughout the year.
Santa Breakfast is in December where you can get FREE Breakfast, 
FREE pictures with Santa and Vendor Booths to do some early Christmas Shopping.
If you are interested in Coordinating this Event, please email our PTA President at: 
 Our Auction is now held in the Spring and is off campus at Twin Creeks Country Club.
This year it will be held on April 6, 2018 from 6-9pm.
Tickets go on Sale online in March 2018. (Limited Seating & FREE childcare)
$40 a Ticket includes entry, dinner, dessert & bidding on Auction items!
LOTS OF FUN TO BE HAD!!!  Theme this year is: Boots & Bling
Please go to the Auction Tab to read more about our Spring Auction Fundraiser
and how you can donate items or services to this event!!! 
Collecting donation NOW! 